Sunday, September 6, 2015

Critical Eleven by Ika Natassa

Critical Eleven
by Ika Natassa

Paperback, 344 pages
Published August 10th 2015 by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Dalam dunia penerbangan, dikenal istilah critical eleven, sebelas menit paling kritis di dalam pesawat—tiga menit setelah take off dan delapan menit sebelum landing—karena secara statistik delapan puluh persen kecelakaan pesawat umumnya terjadi dalam rentang waktu sebelas menit itu. It's when the aircraft is most vulnerable to any danger.

In a way, it's kinda the same with meeting people. Tiga menit pertama kritis sifatnya karena saat itulah kesan pertama terbentuk, lalu ada delapan menit sebelum berpisah—delapan menit ketika senyum, tindak tanduk, dan ekspresi wajah orang tersebut jelas bercerita apakah itu akan jadi awal sesuatu ataukah justru menjadi perpisahan.

Ale dan Anya pertama kali bertemu dalam penerbangan Jakarta-Sydney. Tiga menit pertama Anya terpikat, tujuh jam berikutnya mereka duduk bersebelahan dan saling mengenal lewat percakapan serta tawa, dan delapan menit sebelum berpisah Ale yakin dia menginginkan Anya.

Kini, lima tahun setelah perkenalan itu, Ale dan Anya dihadapkan pada satu tragedi besar yang membuat mereka mempertanyakan pilihan-pilihan yang mereka ambil, termasuk keputusan pada sebelas menit paling penting dalam pertemuan pertama mereka.

Diceritakan bergantian dari sudut pandang Ale dan Anya, setiap babnya merupakan kepingan puzzle yang membuat kita jatuh cinta atau benci kepada karakter-karakternya, atau justru keduanya. 

~* My Review *~

There are several reasons why we love books, most of the time we want to read a book because of the story's teaser, blurb, excerpt... you named it, the better then the higher chance people will pick the book and start to read it.

And sometimes, it's because of the author. After reading a good book, we'll remember the author and we'll get excited every time the author produces a new book, we might take in line to pre-order and can't wait to read it.

Also, nowadays, it's because of the advertisement. You get carried away by the enthusiasm of the crowd about the book. that makes you somehow have to read the book too.

For this book, for me it's kind of mix between the second and the later reasons.

I rarely hate book, story to be exact, but sometimes it happened unfortunately. I'm not a biggest fan of Ika Natassa, but even though some of my friends don't really find "Antologi Rasa"'s good, I loved it and that's why, though (again) I'm not that excited about this book, I found my self bought it and read it...

Until I become to hate the author!

Really... why is she making such a cruel cold hearted woman character? Meet: Tanya Baskoro...

I don't want to make a spoiler here... but I'll just warn you nevertheless...
Because if you are like me, who is really selective in reading review on books that I'm going to read, I really don't have clues what is going on until... I guess it's too late and I really hate both, the characters and also the author for making them like that...

It's just that... how come? That's what I keep asking...

It's just that they seem almost a perfect couple, without flaws at first, but then seems silly for being in "the situation" for six months...

Six months are not a short period of time, though perhaps half of the time, they spent separately anyway... but still I don't think we could live side by side with a person, even we hate so much that long without breaking our nerves... that's why I said she's one of a cruel cold hearted woman...

and for Aldebaran Risjad, why is he waiting for that long to come to his wife?

One other thing, that really disappoint me... (and I don't know why I disappoint though)... is the thing about Harris & Keara [characters in "Antologi Rasa"]... why... kenapa maksa banget yaaaa...

I didn't recalled Harris & Keara relationship like that... I also didn't remember that they were even together... much more getting married... not that I don't like they're getting married... I just couldn't find them like that... I think it's too much...

Just like one of the scene when Ale remembered when he bought a ring to propose Anya, it's when Ale noticed that Anya shoes were resemble the pairs his sister looked in the store, then her sister said they're Louboutin, and they're very vey expensive... is that even necessary?

I found it's not very make sense for a couple whose been married for more than 3 years yet not really have a clue what's going on with her/his spouse, yet claim to love each other over and over again... what a bullshit thing to declare!

Am I just become so emotional about this?

For me the whole story too much "in the making" not naturally being... That's the underline reason why I don't like the story.

Anyway... though I said that I hate the book, I still gave it 2 out of 5 stars.. since... sadly... I really do understand how is the feeling of want something, but we absolutely know for sure that it is never meant for us... and I do think that the author is somehow very good on combining words to become a story then to become a book... I admit that... she's good... but not that good, and I hate the story, I tell you again, because it makes me sad... and I wish I haven't read the book and don't have the feeling of want to have what Ale and Anya finally have...

ps. I don't really get the connection between "Critical Eleven" [explain at the beginning of the story] with the whole story... even with the main theme which is grieving on losing someone who means so much for us.

pss. one other thing: Anya in koq orangnya kaya'nya pasrahan banget yaa... [walaupun diceritakan lain sih...], coba deh...
- Dicium; gak nolak trus pacaran...
- Dilamar; nerima trus married...
- Marah; didiemin yo pasrah...
- Dibaikin eh gak bisa nolak juga...
- Laahh... XD

psss. I think my respond is really what the author wanted out of her book… damned!

updated ps. This scenes are really... WTH me all over...

Anya - pg. 24.
Aku mengiyakan. Mau tau kenapa? Aku ingat suaranya - .... - tapi aku agak lupa wajahnya. I needed to put a face to that voice

Ale - pg. 138.
Tapi dengan Anya, gue merasa akan beda. Jangan tanya dari mana gue bisa merasa begini. ... Gue sadar udah sebulan berlalu, nomor gue juga mungkin udah dia hapus, atau malah dia gak ingat gue sama sekali. Tapi dia ingat.

So? The conclusion is... they are both in a delusional relationship from the very beginning, when they met each other.

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