Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Marriage Trap by Jennifer Probst

The Marriage Trap (Marriage to a Billionaire #2)
by Jennifer Probst

ebook, 205 pages
Published October 2nd 2012

Last night finished the book, just a few more to read.. Finishing what I've left yesterday..

The book gets 3 out of 5 stars.

I thought I'd love the book more.. But then.. Mungkin kepengaruh sama review orang lain juga yaaa.. [Makanya aku seringnya gak mau baca review buku, kalo emang ada rencana baca buku itu.. Feelingnya sering keganggung :d ], I've found the book rather dull at the end..
[Dan mungkin juga karena ada bandingannya, biasa kan.. Klo buku berseri, apa lagi klo ceritanya gak nyambung, we expect more.. ]

Ada kemungkinan juga karena buku ini lebih emosional dibanding buku yang sebelumnya..
Jadi setiap kekecewaan, jadi berasa lebih..

Gak ngerti ya?
Anyway, I hope you'll understand more later on..

So, the main character is Maggie Ryan, Nick's sister from the Marriage Bargain.. And Michael Conte, who's business partner of Nick..

Maggie is an independent woman, direct and brave.. Which actually to hide her vulnerable inside.. She falls for Conte the first time they met, just like any other women :D but she wouldn't admit.. Worsen by the fact that Conte rejects her..

That's all the problem goes through the whole book.. >.<

Conte is a loving man with great family responsibility, rather stiff but he's open..

Sebenernya sih Conte bukannya nolak, tapi dia khawatir klo hubungannya sama Maggie gak berjalan mulus, maka hubungannya dengan Nick dan Alexa (istri Nick) akan rusak juga..
Padahal dia seneng banget sama mereka, dan dia nganggep mereka udah kaya keluarga.. Pengganti keluarganya yang jauh di Italia..

He loves his family more than anything.. And that makes all the story in the book..

When his mother insists of his marriage before his sister's.. He makes up a fiancée.. But his mother just makes them to marry in front of his family with family pastor..

With a promise to stay away from Alexa, Conte persuades Maggie as his fiancée and brings her to his home while she actually has a business trip to Italy..

Maggie always believes that Conte is in love with Alexa.. But it's never be the truth..

When Maggie is finally realize that she loves him too.. She gets scared and runs away..

Awalnya ceritanya seru banget, twistnya mengejutkan.. But I expect more..

Sementara Conte is so honest with his feeling, Maggie selalu terombang-ambing dengan keragu2an dan kekhawatiran..

Kenapa sih dia gak lebih terbuka? Bahkan pengarangnya kept the background story until she finally admits to her (already) husband..
I don't know why.. But the confession didn't touch much.. Just like we're running out patience and just let things settle on their own..

Conte juga sangat sabar, menerima penolakan demi penolakan, dan tetep aja memperjuangkan Maggie..

I'm disappointed with her behavior..

I miss the whole family things at the end.. Aku merasa pengarangnya sedikit kurang bertanggung jawab.. Setelah Maggie pulang ke Amerika, cerita tentang keluarganya terputus begitu aja..

What about the mother, I though that she had a feeling that somehow the engagement (or marriage) is fake..
What about Conte's sister, Venezia's marriage..
And she's just too bold with Carina, the next character on the next book.. Especially, after reading the teaser at the end of the book..
The story just vanished.. And I'm left with dull feeling..

Conte comes from a wealthy family with a royal name.. That quite doesn't make sense if they just married like that.. And also considering the papers already set..
At least, there should be a family feast, just like their welcoming party..

But again, I like the story and I think the author is really smart with words, so I'm looking forward to read the Marriage Mistake and wonder what kind of story that she'd bring.. ;-)

The next book to read A Bartimaeus Novel - The Ring of Solomon..
Hehe.. Back to basic genre.. Young adult fiction.. :D

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